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Stories for April 2024

  • Friday, April 19th 2024 - 21:14 UTC

    Brazil's Finance Minister hopes G20 will tax the super‑rich to tackle world's debt crisis

    Haddad recalled that Biden's government was holding thoughts along the same lines regarding the wealthiest people

    During his trip to Washington DC to attend International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) engagements, Brazil's Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said he hoped the G-20 would approve later this year a new taxation for the planet's super-rich so that the global economy could adjust amid an unprecedented debt crisis, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Friday, April 19th 2024 - 10:55 UTC

    Conflict in Middle East could escalate after latest Israeli attacks

    Iran said it will respond to any attack by Israel.

    Israeli forces attacked Iranian Air Force positions in Isfahan, in the center of the country in retaliation for last weekend's bombardment with unmanned explosives and missiles, it was reported early Friday. Other hits were recorded in the As-Suwayda governorate in southern Syria, the Baghdad area, and the Babil governorate in Iraq.

  • Friday, April 19th 2024 - 10:46 UTC

    Argentine Senate passes scandalous wage hike

    “I am not a Senator and can do nothing to stop it,” Vice President Villarruel argued

    Argentina's Senate Thursday agreed on a substantial wage increase for the Upper House which stirred controversies as the country grapples to make ends meet. The decision was reached after zero debate and Senators were also asked to raise their hands if they validated the motion. Many then insisted on social media that they were not among the ones approving the scandalous hike.

  • Friday, April 19th 2024 - 10:19 UTC

    Palestine denied UN full membership through US veto

    Palestine should not be admitted into the UN as long as Hamas controls Gaza,  Wood argued

    The United States exercised its veto power Thursday within the United Nations Security Council to cut Palestine short from full statehood and membership, it was reported in New York. Hence Palestine remained a “permanent observer state” with no voting rights within the global organization.

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 23:14 UTC

    Argentina applies for NATO global partnership

    Petri (L) met in Brussels with NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana

    Argentina's Defense Minister Luis Petri Thursday filed a request from President Javier Milei's government to become a “global partner” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Earlier this week, Petri went to Denmark to sign the purchase of 24 second-hand US-built supersonic F-16 fighter jets.

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 19:56 UTC

    Iran's Foreign Ministry says BA Court ruling against Tehran was politically motivated

    Kanani blamed “the Zionist regime” for the Buenos Aires Court's decision

    Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Naser Kanani said Thursday that a ruling by a Buenos Aires court that found his country to be behind terrorist attacks against a building of the Jewish community in the Argentine capital in 1994 was “politically motivated.” He also said the decision lacked any legal basis and merely followed the “new political project” undertaken by the “enemies of Iran.”

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 19:13 UTC

    Expedition Confirms Wreck in Argentine Waters is a Submarine

    April 2024 sonar image of Attack periscope extending from submarine conning tower

    By Laurence de Mello

    In a significant milestone, an international Expedition team headed by the ‘Eslabon Perdido Group’ has successfully pinpointed the location of a sunken submarine, resting 4 kilometers off the Argentine coast of Necochea at a depth of 28 meters.

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 18:44 UTC

    Uruguay's Labor Minister joining electoral exodus next month

    March is usually better than February and January, Mieres explained

    Uruguay's Labor Minister Pablo Mieres will leave his position effective May 2 to focus on his presidential bid from within the Independent Party, for which he needs to overcome the June 30 primary elections in which he is the sole contender. He will be replaced by President Luis Lacalle Pou's fellow White Mario Arizti, who currently serves as Labor Undersecretary. Mieres has been on the job since the beginning of the Multicolor administration in early 2020.

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 10:41 UTC

    Argentina's Economy Minister foresees 1-digit monthly inflation imminent

    Milei's popularity is not increasing but that of the opposition is sliding, Caputo explained

    Argentina's Economy Minister Luis 'Toto' Caputo insisted Wednesday in Washington DC during his participation at the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Spring Meeting that his country would be achieving a one-digit inflation rate shortly.

  • Thursday, April 18th 2024 - 10:31 UTC

    Petro suggests “life guarantees” for losers of Venezuela's elections

    It was the third one-on-one gathering between Lula and Petro

    During a meeting in Bogotá with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Colombian President Gustavo Petro Wednesday suggested that a so-called “life guarantee” be created in Venezuela for those losing the July 28 elections under world scrutiny over transparency concerns, Agencia Brasil reported.